
Connecting people, places and 生产力

连接人和地点意味着改善人们沟通、创新和协作的方式. 通过战略性的工作场所管理和设计——从咨询到执行——我们策划体验, make places with people’s preferences, safety and 生产力 in mind, and help customers win the war for talent.

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Building better workplaces and stronger cultures

The well-designed place not only attracts the right talent, 还能激励人们提高生产力,保持他们的健康和安全. Working closely with you, 我们确定了一个典型工作日的关键接触点——从人们到达办公室到与接待员见面, 到开会和吃午餐——然后设计出最优的效率和幸福感. 


Attract and retain the right talent



Boost performance with technology

We’ll help you digitality transform your workplace experience, using best-in-class workplace technologies. 我们的解决方案包括通过物联网(IoT)传感器提供数据驱动的体验,使您的建筑更智能,以及通过我们的工作场所体验应用程序简化您的员工订购亿宝彩票app官网的方式. And through our established community of start-ups and experts, 我们一直在寻找能够定义未来工作的下一个创新.


Reducing cost, raising quality

We understand how to balance quality with efficiency, and deliver cost leadership, 卓越的运营和全球最佳实践-通过我们的商业智能系统完全透明.

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人 make places

从工作场所策略和空间设计到策划现场亿宝彩票app官网时刻, our dedicated teams combine global insights, 数据和卓越的亿宝彩票app官网理念连接您的人员和地点.  



workplaces designed across the world

We work where you work

Your workplace can make life easier, more productive and enjoyable – it all depends on people who care. Because ultimately, people make places and places make people, whether this is at hospitals looking after patients, businesses boosting 生产力, 制药公司开发下一个治疗或生产现场生产的产品. 

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Pure Space Plus

Our trained professionals will ensure your peace of mind. 有了Pure Space Plus,您不仅达到了更高的卫生标准, you also get the data you need to maintain cleanliness, troubleshoot risk of contamination and influence the right behaviour.

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食物 brings people together. 我们在工作场所经营餐厅,提供美味的食物,为健康和幸福树立了新的标准, 生产力, and sustainability – contributing to a happier, more creative workforce.




连接人和地点意味着改善人们沟通、创新和协作的方式. 通过战略性的工作场所管理和设计——从咨询到执行——我们打造安全的场所, wellbeing and 生产力 are at the core.


See how your workplace can move forward

我们的全球足迹和战略专长使我们具有独特的优势,可以支持公司重新开业和面向未来的工作场所. 首先要了解员工的偏好,然后设计工作场所来满足他们的需求. Take a peek at how we help companies move forward by clicking below.

Prepare and transform your workplaces

通过将我们的业务知识与战略和战术专长相结合, 我们提供一系列解决方案,以确保您的人员和场所在未来的驾驶安全为中心, wellbeing and 生产力.


Health, safety and wellbeing

First, safety and peace of mind. Our 解决方案 ensure your places are hygienic and safe. And after your workplaces are safely reopened, 我们注重长期福利,以提高生产力和减少缺勤. 我们一起帮助灌输信心,使人们能够在一个环境中实现他们的目标.


Understanding needs

How people work is changing. From user experience surveys to workstyle personas, 我们可以帮助您更深入地了解您的员工和实体场所. 我们的见解阐明了不断发展的需求和偏好,使您能够就组织的未来做出重要决策.

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工作场所 efficiency

Combined with understanding your employees’ needs, 我们重新思考工作场所的方法将带您从数据洞察到空间的转变. 我们可以共同优化和重新设计您的物理空间,以适应这个新的工作时代.

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Engagement and 生产力

Today, employees value collaboration, innovation and 生产力. 灵活和混合工作模式的兴起意味着对提高生产力的高度关注. 从确保高效的家庭办公室到授权经理远程领导, our 解决方案 help people work with purpose wherever they are.


Sense of belonging

The workplace of tomorrow is a community. As employees increasingly value connection, collaboration and community, 我们可以帮助您重新设计和优化您的工作场所的经验,在中心的人. And as a result, make your employees feel more connected and valued.

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Changing labor demographics, increasing war for talent, 低水平的员工敬业度和对成本效率和优化的持续需求只是业务经理们继续努力应对的挑战中的一小部分. 工作场所, when applied as a strategic tool, can secure just that.

了解更多/ /观点/博客/ how-to-optimize-business-outcomes-through-workspace-and-service-design的见解


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Stories about people, places and planet